Wednesday Message 3-18-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
No, God did not send the Coronavirus to teach us a lesson, to punish us, to wake us up, to..... anything.We live in a world where viruses grow and spread, and can harm and kill. It's just how it is.Why did God make the world that...
Wednesday Greetings,
Last week.... it was one of those days. The challenges of life were heavy. I took a break and went to the gym. I just wanted to work off the struggle I was carrying. As I entered the gym, some guy was lifting at the bicep curl...
Wednesday Message 3-4-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
"The Lord's my Shepherd, I shall not want." Psalm 23:1For me, that first line of the psalm reminds me of the priority of God in my life. There are lots of things/people to follow, that's what modern day social media has...
Ash Wednesday Message 2-26-20
Ash Wednesday Greetings,
Today, Ash Wednesday, we are marked.We not only remember that we are dust and unto dust we shall return, we remember that we are the Lord's and unto the Lord we shall return.Today, we are marked.We are marked with the symbol of the cross...
Wednesday Message 2-19-20
Wednesday Greetings,
Love is patient, Love is Kind.I preached last Sunday about how we share our faith in ways that are patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13).The next day I went shopping at a new Home Store in Tucson, and giggled when I saw this pillow.
I saw it as a...
Wednesday Message 2-12-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
It's been a while. I haven't blogged in a couple of months.I suppose there are a number of reasons, but, I needed to take a break from the Wednesday Message. I had moved from get to .... to have to.Huh? Well, to be...
Wednesday Message 11-20-19
Wednesday Greetings,
Rain in Tucson! Hooray.I'm betting many of us prayed for a good rain, and I'm betting at the same time many of us prayed that it would rain another day.It's like at a sports event.... some are praying for one time to win, while others...
A brief connection to God's Spirit in the middle of the week.
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Wednesday Message 11-6-19
A brief connection to God's Spirit in the middle of the week.
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Wednesday Message 10-30-19
Wednesday Message 10-23-19
Wednesday Greetings,
Psalm 23... You know it... the Lord is my Shepherd...Here's a quote from Eugene Peterson's translation, "The Message""True to your word, you let me catch my breath,You send me in the right direction."God is gracious. And when we get...