Wednesday Greetings,
I received this note several years ago from someone in worship. It was, and is, a reminder that our calling as Christian people of faith, as any person of any faith, or even just as people, is to that refuge for others.Are you? Is that how you are?It's...
Wednesday Greetings,
Hush... Listen...The Voice of God can be heard... or felt, seen, noticed, sensed...Sometimes I forget to listen. I go to God in prayer with my desire to connect, with my desires I need help with, with the things I want to give thanks...... and I forget to take...
Wednesday Greetings,
The Fires in California have been devastating... even to watch on the news. I can't even begin to imagine. And then the looters who go in to steal; it's all so heartbreaking.And then, the news began to show the parking lots filled with clothes, water...
Wednesday Greetings,
Whoa! What a day we are having in Tucson. The Wind blew in during the night. And I mean BLEW. It's terribly windy, chilly, uncomfortable.Of course, that's what I said even from inside my cozy house.Yep, it's just another reminder of how lucky...
Wednesday Greetings,
Two weeks till Christmas Day! Let the chills run through you.Today... instead of getting the chills that there are only two weeks left till Christmas, get the chills that in two weeks we get to celebrate such an incredible part of the story of God.The great...
Wednesday Greetings,
One of the fun parts of modern cell phones is that you can set a specific ringtone for each person you know who calls you. So, when John calls, your phone has a special ring to let you know it's John calling. People pick these ringtones to match the...
Wednesday Greetings,
"Your presence is a present to the world.You're unique and one of a kind."Douglas PagelsYes, you! You have gifts to share. Yes, you do! There's no one exactly like you (even if you're an identical twin). Your uniqueness helps build the...
Wednesday Greetings,
I found it... actually I found two!Christmas Music stations on my Sirius/XM radio in the car!And last week, I started listening to Christmas music. And it's early November.I know some say we shouldn't do that till after Thanksgiving. The early...
Wednesday Greetings,
In the beginning ... GodIn the end ... GodIn the middle ... God
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde
Wednesday Greetings,
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.(Anonymous)"You are the world's light." Jesus, Matthew 5:14You lose nothing by sharing the light of God's grace in Jesus within you. In fact, when you do, we all gain. There's more light in the world.So...