Adult Education



 In the Journeys in Faith Class on Sundays, 9:30 a.m., Room E/F and Zoom (ID 868 3291 1992):

Each week we will have an open, honest discussion of differing topics of faith to help each learn to express their faith and listen to the differences of others of faith.

September 15 PRAYER: Does God hear our prayers? Does prayer "work"?
That is, if I pray for the healing of a friend or family member, will they be healed? Why or why not?

September 22 PRAYER: We’ll discuss ways to rev up your prayer life.

September 29 HELL: Do you believe in Hell? What does it look like? What does the Bible say about Hell?

 The Bible Study class continues its in-depth look at the Book of Genesis simultaneously in Room A/B (in-person only).

Adult Bible Study Sunday 8:30 a.m. in A/B (Summer schedule)
A dive into Genesis. Join us as we continue our journey through
this ancient book of the story of the people God chose to carry
the Word to the World.