Wednesday Greetings,
Today is February 1st. Now, I know you didn't open this email to be told today's date. But I'll remind you, January is already over. And January had 31 days.So, if you struggle to get through the days/nights, just know that this year, February only...
Wednesday Greetings,
"Live like YOU are the sermon."
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde
Brrr. It turned cold in Tucson. I had to put on a jacket.I did notice........ that though I put on a jacket, the weather didn't change, but my ability to weather the weather did.Hm. Maybe that's what our faith is like. Maybe putting on our faith doesn't change the...
Wednesday Greetings,
Isaiah 43"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."Penni, our liturgist for worship last Sunday, used this very special piece of scripture. The words have been ringing in and around me since.I know that if I am the Lord's...
Wednesday Greetings,
New Year?Well, what's new? OK, it switched from 2022 to 2023, but really, what's new about it?I am not being a pessimist, but it's still cold in Tucson. The economy is still fragile throughout the world. People are still homeless. Everybody is...
Wednesday Greetings,
At some point, the Holy Family left the manger. Yes, first to flee for their lives. They became asylum seeking refugees for a few years before they were able to safely return to Nazareth.But was Jesus ever safe once he left the manger?At some point, we all must...
Wednesday Greetings,
This week before Christmas, as our world rushes around getting ready to celebrate Christmas with all the best gifts and best meals, remember....we celebrate the birth of the One who moved from the cradle to the grave.... for our sake. This Jesus was born into this...
Wow, it turned cold in Tucson! We had to prepare by making sure there was extra room in shelters for people, that our pets were brought inside, that our pipes and plants were covered and protected.When you know something is coming, you prepare for it!Hey, guess what! Jesus' birthday...
Wednesday Greetings,
In just three weeks, Christmas will be over and done. And we will be on to planning New Year's, MLK weekend, Valentine's day.So, for now, make sure you use the time before Christmas wisely. Take care of all your shopping needs, all of your Santa...
I'm ready! I have my State 48 red Christmas Shirt on and my green Target pants! Let the Christmas Celebration begin. I'm sure Jesus would be proud! Right?Hm. I'm not sure he's impressed with my clothing.I'm thinking Jesus might be wondering what I'm...