Ash Wednesday Message for March 6, 2019

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Ash Wednesday Greetings, "Lord Jesus, think on me,And purge away my sin;From earth-born passions set me free,And make me pure within.Lord Jesus, think on me, That, when this life is past,I may the eternal brightness see,And share Thy joy at last."From the Presbyterian Hymnal #...

Wednesday Message for February 27, 2019

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Greetings, "I can't.  I'm not smart enough.  I don't know enough to understand."Yes, you are.  Yes, you do!The Bible is full of stories of how other people came to understand God in their lives.  READ IT!  You may discover God in your life.And stop...

Wednesday Message for February 13, 2019

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Greetings, What shall I wear tomorrow for Valentine's Day?  How about those heart socks that have Love written on them?   Good thing we live in UofAZ territory where the colors contain red so I can wear something red.Or.... maybe we could turn to Scripture to learn...

Wednesday Message for February 6, 2019

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Greetings, Why?  But Why?  Why?I had a day when that was about all I could ask God. And then, I played with my three year old grandson, who asked me twice, "Why?"  I could feel the frustration building in both of us, mostly because the answer really was...

Wednesday Message for January 23, 2019

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Greetings, Truth.... It's better than fiction!   A few days ago I was struggling... struggling to see that anything good or faithful was happening in all the activities of my day.  I was running from one event to the next, not feeling connected, not feeling inspired...

Wednesday Message for 1-31-2018

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Greetings,There’s still time to resolve to lose the weight. It’s still January!"Let us lay aside the weight and the sin that clings so closely and run with perseverance the race that is stet before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews...

Thursday News for 1-25-18

Posted by Erica Adams on

Good Morning/Afternoon CPC Fam, I hope everyone’s week was a good one! Below are the links to your Sunday Bulletin, Thursday Blast, and Kiva Newsletter. Please don’t forget that if you have any information that needs to be put into the Bulletin please have it to me no later than...

Wednesday Message 1-24-18

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Greetings, Once you realize that you have given power to something that isn’t healthy, that is leading you away from God, you have to decide what to do about it.  The best decision is to give your life over to the will and care of God who will lead you to freedom in...

Thursday News for January 18, 2018

Posted by Erica Adams on

Good Afternoon Everyone! My first week here at CPC has been a whirlwind of learning! I am so grateful for everyone’s generosity and patience. Just a quick reminder for everyone, our office hours have changed and we are now closing at 3 PM everyday. Please feel free to contact me during...

Wednesday Message for January 17, 2018

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Greetings, If you are going to live the life of faith that God calls and invites us to, free from the weight of the past, because of the grace of God in Jesus the Christ, then you have to take steps to do so. Otherwise, you will live with the weight of sin, of past mistakes that...