Wednesday Message 5-28-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
Wednesday Greetings... on Thursday.Yep, I forgot. I'm finding a lot of people having a hard time knowing what day it is lately. Welcome to the world of being human. And that's an important thing to say to...
Wednesday Message 5-20-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
God doesn't forget.Now that's a bit contrary to what I was taught as a child. I was told that when we confess our sins, God forgets them. But I just don't believe that God forgets, anything or anyone. God does...
Wednesday Message 5-13-20
Wednesday Greetings,
Happy Birthday, Christ Presbyterian Church!64 years ago today, seventy-five people signed our congregation into life. These Charter Members have blessed us with a faithful church family over many generations. We are grateful...
Wednesday Message 5-6-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
One of the things I learned in my scuba diving training was that once you master buoyancy under the water, your directional movement is a matter of where you look and tilt your head. If you want to swim up, tilt your head up. ...
Wednesday Message 4-29-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
Well. It certainly was a strange Easter. But what is the same this year? It's over; it was a couple of weeks ago, and we are on to something else. How sad! God created the world good, and us very good. ...
Wednesday Message 4-15-20
Wednesday Greetings,
The aftermath... The Resurrection is a game changer.We're just so used to it that we don't recognize it.We live such a reward/punishment kind of life. Do good; get rewarded. Do bad; get punished. But now, we...
Wednesday Message 4-8-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
In what we call the Old Testament appears the word Ruach.In what we call the New Testament appears the word Pneuma.Both are translated in two ways:Breath/Spirit.And you have to read the text to really understand which the writers are...
Wednesday Message 4-1-2020
Wednesday Greetings,
April Fools.....This is a day people play all sorts of jokes on each other. We tell stories that aren't true, which people believe for a while, until they realize what day it is.I loved it when Easter fell on April Fool's day. ...
Wednesday Message 3-25-20
Wednesday Greetings,
Psalm 13
How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the...