#CPC Wednesday Message 9-2-20

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Message 9-2-20

Wednesday Greetings,

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."

T.S. Eliot

One of the joys in faith, is to continue in the faith, learn, grow, understand, and yet, find new understandings.  The Holy Spirit is always revealing to us, always guiding us, always teaching us.  It's always been amazing to me to have read a story or piece of scripture so many times and each time find some new insight or understanding, to discover a new meaning, and have to let go of a previous understanding.  

This is a good thing and nothing any of us need to be afraid of in our faith.

The Word of God doesn't change, but our understanding of it certainly does.

When we say, "We need to get back to the basics of the Bible," this is the basics: God's Word doesn't change, but our understanding of it does.

I pray that this week, as you work on being a "Creosote for Christ," that you will discover for yourself the same of Word of God... anew, and that your journey will begin again, and again, and again... even as it continues.


Peace in our journeys,

Pastor Steve Melde