Wednesday Greetings,
Whoop it up. Lent is coming. Next Tuesday is "Fat Tuesday" Mardi Gras day, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day.... because next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and begins the season of Lent.A lot of us love to have a big last meal, a huge calorie...
Wednesday Greetings,
I really do want to give God only my best.And so sometimes I don't give God my whole self.I'm honestly not an early morning person, especially in the winter. It's dark, it's cold, my feet hurt, I'm tired, I just want to linger in bed and wake slowly before I...
Wednesday Greetings,
Happy 2-2-22.Happy Groundhog Day!What a fun day. We humans make up a lot of things just to celebrate silly stuff.As if a groundhog seeing its shadow could really affect the weather! But it's fun, anyway.But I do know that God is the Creator, Redeemer...
Wednesday Greetings,
Why did I not know until this week that this was in the Bible???"When I thought, "My foot is slipping," your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up."Psalm 94:18God may not always "hold us up" from falling, but when we fall, God surely holds us up. I rediscovered...
Wednesday Greetings,
I was reading the story of Jesus' death in Luke's Gospel. I'm not sure why in January I was reading that, but I still like to just pick up the Bible and read and wonder.Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what...
Wednesday Greetings,
"I love to accomplish a great and noble task, but it my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each...
Wednesday Greetings,
Here we go. A new year. Will it be more wonderful? Will it be more challenging? Yes, to both. Just like every year.And I'm here to remind you that as we linger between Christmas and the New Year, God lingers in the in-betweens...
Wednesday Greetings,
Hooray. Another Palindrome day....12-22-21It's the reminder we need this Christmas week, whether we are coming or going, heading forward or backward, God is coming into our lives, to be with us in the midst of it all.Immanuel... God is with Us. ...
Wednesday Greetings,
There's a subtle but important difference between joy and happy.Happy is a feeling of glee, an elated feeling, usually related to something that is good, to state of being that is good.That's a great feeling to have during this Christmas season. A lot of songs...
Wednesday Greetings,
Today's date is a palindrome. 12-1-21Whether your read it forward or backward ... it's the same.Take it as a reminder that whether you are coming or going, moving forward or backward, headed in the right direction or lost in another....God's got...