Wednesday Message for 1-31-2018
Wednesday Greetings,
There’s still time to resolve to lose the weight. It’s still January!
"Let us lay aside the weight and the sin that clings so closely and run with perseverance the race that is stet before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews 12:1Remember: When God forgives, God forgives.
So, when you give God the weight of your sin, of your past, your mistakes, shortcomings, addictions, etc., God takes that weight.
Remember: Where we encounter death, God brings life.
Let it go. Give it to God. and don’t take it back from God!
Let God do what God does… God takes our messes and turns them into beautiful pieces of work. Just don’t take it back from God.
Temptation will always return, for two reasons.
1. To show you that you have dealt with it.
2. To show you that you have not dealt with it.
And you will know the difference by how you respond to the temptation. If you have dealt with it, you’ll thank the temptation for reminding you that you have dealt with it, that you have let it go. If you haven’t dealt with it, then do it! Temptation is simply a reminder of #1 or #2.
God can take you to #1.
So, get back in the race. Keep going in the race. Let go of the weight of your past, give it to God, and don’t take it back.
Now, just ask God to show you how to live free!
Follow Jesus, and you’ll know the path!
I encourage you to go on Facebook (ChristPresbyterianTucson) and review our January worship theme from each week. It’ll help you in the race.
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde