Wednesday Message 2-23-22
Wednesday Greetings,
Whoop it up. Lent is coming. Next Tuesday is "Fat Tuesday" Mardi Gras day, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day.... because next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and begins the season of Lent.
A lot of us love to have a big last meal, a huge calorie extravaganza before we go on a special diet to get healthy. Which, if you really think about it, is silly. Why add the extra weight that you're just going to have to work harder to let go of the next day? The best diet is a lifestyle. I think, if we are living the way we are supposed to... there's no whoop it up day needed. We'll be whooping it up all the time! It's how we live every day, not just in the season of Lent that matters. So, as you get ready for Lent, which is a season of getting ready, then I invite you to start living the lifestyle now... and always. Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde