#CPC Wednesday Message 6-27-28
Wednesday Greetings,
In Mark's Gospel, Chapter 6, tells the feeding of the thousands of people with just two fish and five loaves of bread.
It's a funny little story. Jesus had just been out on a lake. Coming ashore he discovered a great crowd. After a while, the disciples urged Jesus to send them away so they could go and get something to eat. (I think the disciples were also tired and hungry and wanted Jesus to finish his teaching and give himself and the disciples a break). Jesus said: You give them something to eat. Oh, Jesus... we're tired... we're hungry... So, Jesus took what the disciples had... five loaves of bread and two fish... and fed the crowds... well over 5,000. I want you to know something important. When Jesus calls you to do something... he will make a way for you to do it. When you are depleted, turn to God, and know that whatever God really calls you to do, you will be able to do. God will make a way possible. It's as simple as that. God uses what you have and multiplies it for what God needs... if you'll let God. You see, the disciples only had five loaves of bread and two fish.... which they needed for themselves. But Jesus multiplied it so that the crowd and the disciples ate.... In fact.... there were leftovers. When God calls you to do something, God will make a way for you to do it, even if you're depleted. Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde