#CPC Wednesday Message 5-06-20

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Message 5-6-2020

Wednesday Greetings,

One of the things I learned in my scuba diving training was that once you master buoyancy under the water, your directional movement is a matter of where you look and tilt your head.  If you want to swim up, tilt your head up.  If you want to swim down, tilt your head down.   Your body will follow.

Hm, you mean... where you set your concentration is where you will lead your life?

Yep, it is that simple.

And yet, it's challenging.  I still haven't mastered buoyancy under the water, and the times that I was doing pretty well with it, I forgot to tilt my head in the direction I wanted to go, and started flaying my arms around and moving my body weirdly, awkwardly, and using a whole lot more air!  

Concentration takes practice.  And mastering the skills of movement can take a life time.   

So, in the remaining days of Stay at Home in the midst of this CoronaVirus, how about practicing?   Practice by taking some time to pray and focus your attention on your relationship with God.  Just be with God for a few moments.  And let those moments be the time that you practice buoyancy, just resting in God's presence.

And then, move in a direction that honors that relationship.  Set your head, your mind, your intention in the direction you want to go, need to go, are called to go.  

And soon, after some practice, you'll find yourself moving that direction much more easily and without as much flaying around of your life... wasting a whole lot of air in prayer!

But know that it takes practice, so be patient with yourself.

Here's a link to help you.  I created a daily devotional for the month of May, Journey to Pentecost.  I invite you to use it to gain buoyancy and direction!


Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde