#CPC Wednesday Message 3-10-21

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Message 3-10-21

Wednesday Greetings,

It's been one year since the COVID 19 Pandemic rose to a level of changing our lives, forever.

For the church, it's been a year of trying to adapt to new ways of doing ministry.  

We're still adapting.  As we move into the future, we'll still be adapting.  

One of the things we discovered is that we can create a hybrid of worshiping together in the Sanctuary and online.  

We can do this!  We can do church.  We can honor the past and create the future.

And we can because God's Word is always the foundation of our lives.  That doesn't change.  But how we relate and understand and worship, all of that can change. And sometimes it has to, even when we don't want it to.

But we can do this!  We can do church.

Hallelujah.    Today, I ask you to pray for Christ Presbyterian Church, for me, for all its leaders and people, that together we have the courage to move into the future in new ways and still do ministry.

We can do this!  We can do church... in whole new ways.
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde