#CPC Wednesday Message 10-27-21

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Wednesday Greetings,

Last Sunday afternoon CPC hosted a Halloween Festival.  It was truly amazing.  I think we had over 400 people from the surrounding community join us for Trunk-or-Treat, games, and hot dogs.  People had a great time.  There were young children having fun everywhere around our church campus.

Thank you!  Thank you for providing a safe space for children to enjoy the Halloween season.  Thank you for providing parents/grandparents/caretakers of children a safe experience.

Creating safe space is so important for the church to be a part of in all its ministry and mission.  

Thank you for being a church family that welcomes all folks into our life together as a family of faith, even if it's just a Halloween festival.  I think we planted and watered some seeds that our church is a safe space.  I can't help but believe that God will do some good things with those feelings!

Bless you all for all you did to make this happen.  May we always find ways to create safe space for all of God's children, of all ages!

Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde