#CPC Wednesday Message 10-19-22

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Wednesday Greetings,

In Lent, prior to Easter, this year, together our congregation studied the book, Prayer: Does it make any difference?, by Philip Yancey.Each month after I have been leading a class online and inperson in review of the book.  Today is that day.  In section 5, Yancey talks about some of the challenging parts of a prayer life, and he tells us three things:Prayer... Keep it...1.  Short2.  Honest3.  GoingWhat God is inviting us into is a relationship with God that lasts a liftetime.  And in our prayer life, however it is, Yancey reminds us that we are developing our relationship with God.So, I'm inviting you to do so.... keep prayer... short, honest, and going.And I do believe you will find one day, that you are closer to God.BTW, you can still join the study tonight, Wednesday, October 19th, at 7 p.m. Tucson Time.  I'll be in Room E/F of the North Education wing if you want to come in person, and I'll be online with Zoom:Zoom Meeting ID:  875 7642 3522 
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde