#CPC Wednesday Message 10-13-21

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Wednesday Greetings,

Brrrrrrr.   Tucson got a blast of winter over the last couple of days.   It's cold!

But don't worry.  I was prepared.

Over the years I've learned that when the temperature dips below 70 degrees that it's time to bring out the sweat pants and shirts, the blankets, the sweaters and heavier clothes.  

I survived, though I must admit, it was a struggle.

I'm hoping you did the same.

And I'm praying that you are preparing for other challenges in your life by growing your faith in God through Jesus the Christ.   Because the challenges will come.  And if you prepare yourself now for them, you'll get through them much better.

If you know that God is good when the weather is good, you will also know that God is good when the weather isn't good.  If you know that God is with you when life seems easy, then you can know that God is with you when life is challenging.

Pray, read scripture, worship, talk to others.... do what you need to do to prepare your faith to weather the challenges!  NOW!  
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde