#CPC Wednesday Message 1-13-21

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Message 1-13-21

Wednesday Greetings,

Revelation 21:3-4

"See, the house of God is among mortals.
God will dwell with them as their God;
they will be God's peoples,
And God, Godself, will be with them;
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Death will be no more;
mourning and crying and pain
will be no more,"

I'm reading that over and over again this week as our prayer chain is filled with mourning and crying and pain and death.  

It gives me hope for what God is doing, what has come already for so many, and what God will do for the rest of us.

What I love most about it????   God will wipe away tears.   God will be so close that God will be the one to wipe our tears...

.... tears that come from mourning will soon be tears that come from joy.

Shalom dear ones.  I know the times are difficult.  God is working a plan, creating a pathway, revealing God's presence.... 

Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde