#CPC Wednesday Message 7-24-24

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Wednesday Greetings,


It's the middle of the week.  For me, there are two important things about Wednesday.

1.  Creating a Wednesday Message... which isn't always easy.  I don't always feel inspired, so don't always feel inspiring.  It can be a challenge coming up with content.... but then, like today, I remember...

2.  It's Wednesday.  It's the middle of the week.  And no matter how I feel, Wednesday reminds me that God is with me in the middle... right in the middle of the week, in the middle of inspiration, in the middle of inspiring, in the middle of my life...   and in the middle of yours.... right there in the middle of the good and the bad, the joy and the sorrow, the success and the failure, the inspired and the not-inspired...

God is right there in the middle...

Hope today's Wednesday message reminds you that in the middle... of the week... of whatever you face today.... (or whenever you might read this, or even send it on to someone you think might need it), God is in the middle of your life with you.

Thanks be to God.
Happy Wednesday.
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde