#CPC Wednesday Greeting

Posted by Pastor Steve Melde on

Wednesday Message 3-4-2020

Wednesday Greetings,

"The Lord's my Shepherd, I shall not want."  Psalm 23:1

For me, that first line of the psalm reminds me of the priority of God in my life.  There are lots of things/people to follow, that's what modern day social media has created... "influencers."

For me, I choose God in Jesus as my Savior, to be my Shepherd, to be the one who teaches me what to want, how much to want, when enough is enough.  God is the center of my life and my main influencer.  


But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

What have you been following that you need to give up so that you can turn back to the Lord, and follow God as your Shepherd?

Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde