Sunday Funday School

An experimental approach to Christian Education for children and youth

We gather each Sunday from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in Room 6.  All children in preschool through 5th grade are welcome.
Sunday Funday School is a multi-dimensional style of teaching – perfectly suited for this new generation of learners. Based on the Rotation model of Sunday school – which is revitalizing Christian education programs across the country – at Christ Presbyterian Church our children truly experience the Word of God, and what it means to be a Christian.

What Is Sunday Funday School?

Sunday Funday School involves moving away from the traditional classroom with one teacher covering a great deal of information quickly. Instead, we offer a series of theme-based rooms, or workshops, where children experience a single Bible story in depth for 4-5 weeks. We have made the conscious choice to pull Sunday school out of fast forward and allow time for our children to process, test, and apply what they are learning.

Who Teaches Sunday Funday School?

Teachers come from our congregation: people with interests in a specific area sign up to teach workshops that dovetail with their own hobbies or passions.

 What Are The Classrooms Like?

Instead of grade-level classrooms, we have a movie theatre, art room, storytelling tent, drama space – and a large grass quad and playground where the children come together to learn cooperative play.


When Do We Start?

At 9:30 a.m. our children (K-5th grade) gather in the Story Teller’s Room (Room 6/7 of the West Wing) for a brief worship and overview of the story being covered that day. Middle Schoolers gather in the Faith Trek Room (Room D of the North Wing); High Schoolers gather in their room (Room C of the North Wing). Classes conclude at 10:30 a.m.